Strategy to drive customer loyalty, word of mouth and referrals for India’s leading eyewear retailer
16 Apr 2020
  • Client description: India’s leading internet-first eyewear retailer wanted to deep-dive on the effectiveness of its customer loyalty initiatives. The focus of the mandate was to understand the degree and nature of organic conversations that were happening about the brand and how the company can positively drive greater word of mouth. Addressing ‘expectation gaps’ that generate negative conversations and leveraging of best practices used by other domestic and global consumer brands as part of the mandate.
  • Opportunity: The company also sought to understand the degree of current referrals for the parent and sub-brands, key drivers and inhibitors for customers during the purchase journey and initiatives the company can drive to boost organic customer acquisition
Our Approach
  • In-depth customer interviews (both loyal and non-loyal members) were conducted across product categories to understand brand awareness, sources of awareness, brand perception, and importance of referral programs 
  • Comprehensive analysis of existing customer relationship data to understand current customer service experience (CX), the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and success of referral programs till date (including reasons for difference and implications)
  • Deep understanding of competition and their use of various social media platforms to increase referrals and word of mouth, identification of value-creation touchpoints to achieve a competitive edge
  • Adaption of best practices used by leading consumer brands in domestic and international markets to realize higher customer lifetime value (CLTV)

Key Insights / Outcomes

Provided client with 360-degree cross-functional framework to improve customer loyalty across programs

Organic development of multiple enablers to improve loyalty

Praxis Value Delivered
  • Provided client with an India-wide implementation playbook and multiple dynamic dashboards to effectively track online word-of-mouth 
  • As a result of Praxis work, the client launched a revamped-loyalty program and saw robust growth in same-store / customer / channel sales across product categories and geographies
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