Prioritization and go-to-market strategy for growth opportunities for online food delivery platform
15 Apr 2020
  • Client description: A leading online food-delivery platform had developed a preliminary list of adjacent opportunities based on its core business model. The mandate was to identify and explore the full range of opportunities available for the client 
  • Opportunity: Identification of critical consumer pain points, existing market solutions and establishment of priority customer archetypes for each shortlisted opportunity was part of the engagement
Our Approach
  • Defined and quantified addressable market for shortlisted and preferred opportunities and sized market opportunities to identify the most attractive opportunities
  • A ‘white-space opportunity’ GTM plan was created in each shortlisted opportunity based on current offerings by competition and need-gap analysis
  • Strategy recommendation on new opportunities was followed by implementation of 2-3 high potential opportunities; this established a replicable strategy and roadmap for future growth 
  • Dynamic scorecards established to understand the progress in revenue realization for each opportunity across geographies and channels
Paxis Value Delivered
  • Client understood the viability and implications of the shortlisted opportunities in detail for better implementation
  • As a result of Praxis work and clarity on GTM path, client senior management deployed focused resources on multiple adjacent opportunities to realize growth potential
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