Pharma and Life sciences
Market prioritization and launch strategy
09 Jul 2020
Company Description: A major multinational & vertically integrated pharma company
Opportunity: The client intended to:
  • Understand scope and size of the opportunity in each market
  • Assess where to play, and where not to play along with key launch considerations
  • Understand actions required to develop/acquire needed capabilities for the drug’s successful market launch
Our approach
Three phase approach for SEA market prioritization and launch strategy
Phase 1:  Market prioritization: Country attractiveness assessment via SMR (Standard Mortality Ratio) & PMR (Proportionate Mortality Ratio) to adjudge pricing, market potential and market attractiveness 
Phase 2: Development of Go-to-Market (GTM) model: For top 5-7 markets, we devised strategy & required tactics & initiatives. We also sketched out organizational roles & conducted high level FTE (Full Time Equivalent) analysis 
Phase 3: Launch Roadmap and Sequencing: Developed launch sequence basis prioritization outcomes. Created launch roadmap to include high-level key activities, timeline & key responsibility holders along with overall governance structure for tracking purpose

Key Insights / Outcomes

3 countries lay in high market potential & high access potential which were deemed top priority

2 countries lay in high market potential but low access potential which were categorized second priority followed by 1 country in high access potential but low market

In the top priority bucket, partner model for manufacturing appeared to be most lucrative due to quality partner capabilities at low cost

Since only 5 years remained for drug patent expiry in regulated markets, Return on Investment (RoI) was higher for co-commercial model initially

Post patent expiry, out licensing had higher RoI since margins would begin to be significantly threatened by competition & price controls

High-level roadmap for top priority markets indicated end-to-end launch to market timeline to be 2.5-3 years

Praxis value delivered
  • End-to-end parameterization including markets, operating model, pricing and timeline of referred drug launch in new geographies
  • Standard, adaptable prioritization framework for identification of attractive geographies
  • Well-researched key growth factors & risks of new market entry

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